Hahahahahaha #justkidding
Monday, October 31, 2011
I am afraid that:
・ If you see me all the time, you'll get sick of me.
・ If you talk to me all the time, you'll run out of things to say.
・ If we do the same things all the time, you'll get bored of us.
・ If I'm too nice to you, you'll take advantage of me.
・ If I'm too mean to you, you'll drift away from me.
・ If someone else gets your attention, you'll ignore me.
・ If you meet someone new, you'll leave me.
・ If you talk to me all the time, you'll run out of things to say.
・ If we do the same things all the time, you'll get bored of us.
・ If I'm too nice to you, you'll take advantage of me.
・ If I'm too mean to you, you'll drift away from me.
・ If someone else gets your attention, you'll ignore me.
・ If you meet someone new, you'll leave me.
Morning, I'm up! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Seriously don't know why am I up this early when I only have to be in school at 3pm. Oh well..
Anywho, have a good day ahead guys!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Do you rmbr how did we actually fall in love with each other?
Those days where we've to see each other no matter what, those days where we'll hangout under void deck no matter what just to talk for awhile after your tiring day of work. Where are they? Someone took them away. I miss them.
Stay strong.
Give up, he’s not worth it. You deserve so much better; he’s broken your heart before and he’s messed up plenty of times. So why do you still love him? I know it’s hard, but just forget him; you’re setting yourself up to get hurt, again.
It was dark and I was over, until you kissed my lips and you saved me.
Holla guys, just got back from my halloween party at Powerhouse. Srsly not as fun as I've thought, still rmbr I was at Downtown East for last year's Halloween, when something unexpected happened. God, please bless that boy.
Anyways, I had pretty much fun today. Didn't get to dress up as everything's too last minute and I couldn't get whatever I want/need to dress myself up. Oh well.. As usual, bumped into a lot of familiar faces. Party ended at around 5, cabbed home with Jeffery & Weizheng. Super lazy to wash up, so sat right infront of the desktop till like about half an hour ago. Ha ha ha, just done washing up and gonna head to bed soon.............
Talk again soon guys, xx!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Met bestbest at town in the evening yesterday. Finally had my first meal at after like 3 or 4 days? Ha ha ha, shiokkkkkkk! Anyways, caught Midnight in Paris at 7, not too bad! Lol guess what? After stepping into the cinema, I was like "Shit this movie like fucking familiar, I like watched on Funshion before ley!" Hahahahahaha, seriously fml I've watched it on Funshion before and I'm actually watching it again in the cinema yesterday. Joke rightttttt, I know!
Headed to Fareast after that, wanted to shop for clothes but to no avail. Was thinking if I should party last night but ended up at Resort @ ECP. It's my 3rd time stepping into Resort I still don't really like it. Drank a lot, and of course I got myself pretty drunk. Left at about 1 plus if I'm not wrong, just wanna head home and crash on bed. Lol! So yup, I didn't remove my make up only until about an hour back when I just woke up. Lol, rabak or what!
Gonna celebrate Halloween today, but where to go? Lol, I wna dress up so badly!!!!!!!!!!!
If you act like a hoe you'll get treated & talked to like a hoe. So get your act together and respect yourself if you want to be respected.
Kkkkkkk talk again soon guys, ciaos!
You're sucha disappointment. Now, whatever you say or do totally irks me.
I really don't understand, how can you ever use such words on a girl. Whore, slut, prostitute, go fuck yourself, fuck your mother etc. Seriously? What have I done, to deserve all these from you? Ha ha ha, it's been half a year, and I'm all used to it. Pretty much numbed, but I'm not dead I still can feel, I still have feelings. You're way too much, thanks for ruining my mood and spoiling my night. Now that my heart is so dead towards you, I'm glad that I'm moving on. Guess it's way better off for me this way, I'm finally awake after what happened last night.
I swear I wouldn't be talking to you anymore, and everything that concern you doesn't have got anything to do with me a tad bit. I can't even be bothered to read your tweets or facebook anymore. Go ahead and curse and swear, go ahead and fuck around. Was still feeling pretty excited to see you changing back to who you used to be, but guess what? I guess you'll never ever. You're a totally changed person, and you're never ever going back to who you used to be. You're my greatest regret, and right now I'm more than happy to leave you. Goodbye pkw.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
I'm all used to it.
Anyways, was at Rebel last night as usual. Left at around 2, super early I know but that was a deal made if I were to party last night. Ha ha ha, so no choice gotta force myself to go home. Tuesday, was at Powerhouse. Lol, drank super much but didn't get a tad bit high. Ph was quite boring that day, tried Jellybird and it's so totally awesomez. Haha! But srsly not worth it? Cos it tastes like normal jelly, can't really taste the alcohol. But I guess all ladies love it, cos it's super yummy!
As for today, no plans yet. Not sure if I'm meeting Alex, wait till he contact me ltr! Will be going to school at 3 later, hopefully my cramp won't work up again if not confirm gg.com!
Kkkkk talk again soon guys, have a good day ahead!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
I'm supposed to be a happy girl., like everyone else.
Hell lots of things happened yesterday. I wouldn't want to elaborate much, just wna say that they're no good things at all. I don't understand why things have to turn out this ugly. Love comes, and goes. Faster than the speed of light. What exactly went wrong? Why can't love be as simple as it seems like in movies and fairytales? Living happily ever after, no such things as flirting and arguments? Why do they even exist? Why?
After last night, I've think through a lot. It's time to move on. No point hanging on such a thin thread, waiting for a total nothingness. It was a tough one, but I guess I should be able to make it through. For now, of course I'm not okay but things would definitely get better in time right? Good luck to myself, and good bye to you.
Sincerely yours,
Monday, October 24, 2011
You tore me apart.
Holla guys, sup. I'm an owl today. Slept my whole Sunday away, spent less than 2 hours out of bed. Don't really have the mood for anything, just wna lay on my bed.

As usual, partied on Wed, Fri & Sat. Surprisingly I went to Powerhouse twice this week, haha. Was at Powerhouse on Wed for Junbin's birthday, got myself almost dead drunk that day. Friday was over at Rebel as usual, then Saturday, which is yesterday, was at Butterfactory at first, then hopped to Powerhouse at around 2? Butter totally suck balls, Powerhouse suck so hard and yet it is like 1000000000000x so much better than Butter. Never am I gonna step into that place again. Ha ha ha.
It's Monday again, really super lazy to attend school but still I've to drag myself to.
Gn guys, xx.
The longer I hold on, the lesser I expect from you. Yet, the more you disappoint me.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
For you, someone special.
Holla guys, I've not been updating this space since forever, I know. Have been feeling really lazy, haha! Ah, hell lots of things happened recently.
As usual, had a hard time in maintaining this relationship, hope things will really turn out right in the end. For now, everything's going pretty well for us. Trying hard not to have any arguments and conflicts. Haha! Alright, I'll be cutting down on partying after this week. For some reasons....... Lol!
Gave school a miss today, tried to wake up early for school but failed to. I seriously have to work harder on my attendance before I got myself expelled from the school which I really don't wish to.......... Hmmm, been hanging out with a different clique in school, things are much better than before I guess? Ohwell...........
Okayyyy, this video below is dedicated to someone who's really important to me in my life right now. He's really so special to me I don't know how life's gonna be without him, been through hell lots of ups and downs with this guy, and not to deny I definitely do get pissed with things he do/say sometimes but the thought of really happy times with him I'm really glad to have him with me. We're supposed to learn this song together, but of course I'd love to surprise him with this so I learnt it first. And hopefully he'd love it hehe!
Pkw, this is for you. Yiruma's Kiss The Rain, played by ear.
Some mistakes made, but please pardon me!
Alright, I'm gonna catch some rest now. Gonna head to town to get my Sticky candy later!
Ciaos, xx!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
When you love someone, you open yourself up to suffering, and that’s the sad truth.
Holla guys, just got home from dinner with Pkw. A really simple day, but I'm glad I get to spend this whole day with him ^^
Haven't been updating this space for about a week already? Partied on the usual party days last week, Wed Fri & Sat. School started already, changed one of my module from PP to MP. Hopefully I'll do well this semester? Hmmm.
Met Berdine last night and cabbed over to Clarke Quay together. Was thinking if I should party before that, hahaha still lost to temptation and went to Rebel in the end. Had fun, but still the same old songs so it got kinda boring after awhile..... Haha! Left at about 3 with her, cabbed home, and stayed awake till Pkw reached Simei, went over to meet him. Stayed over, and only came home this evening. I love times like that spent with him, even if it's just awhile I'm contented already. Hahaha, feel like a loser sometimes but still.. I feel too much for him that I can hardly get pissed with him. Lol, hopefully things will be better in time.
Okkkkkk imma end this entry with some of my pictures!
Monday, October 3, 2011
JB Trip!
Zirca, 23rd Sept 2011.
Holla guys, how was your weekends? Mine's totally awesome hehehe. Today's the first day of school after having holidays for a month, dread much. Went to school for less than an hour, a total waste of time omg. Should've just stayed home, lol. I was late though...........
Recently haven't been sleeping enough, bodyclock totally went haywired. Friday was at Rebel, then Saturday was at Malaysia, Saturday night was at Rebel again. Lol, didn't sleep from Friday afternoon, all the way till Sunday morning after partying. Lol! Seriously.............
Oh btw, it was a fruitful trip to JB with Bestf. Lol, did hell lots of shopping, seriously shop till I dropped. Lol! From City Square all the way till KSL, ha ha ha. Spent all my RM, and another about 100 SGD. Lol, haven't had enough of shopping over there though. I want to go again soon! Lol, reached Singapore at about 12 midnight, didn't want to party was totally worn out but ended up going Rebel. Hahaha, I seriously damn loser can?! Didn't want to party at all last week but ended up partying on both Fri & Sat. Lol, no wonder everybody didn't take me seriously when I said I'm not partying for the week. Okayyyyyyy........
Rebel was pretty fun that night, got home at about 5plus I think? Was so totally worn out I crashed on my bed once I reached home till mom woke me up to wash up! Haha, slept my Sunday away. What a waste!
Alright, will be gng for a jog ltr on. Getting lazier already f.m.l.
Okkkkk gonna end my entry with this two pictures with best!
Talk again soon guys, ciaos!
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