Saturday, January 14, 2012
Sometimes when I get upset, something inside of me shuts down. I feel like I should be crying or screaming or something but I don't because I'm turned off. I go silent and don't talk very much, just looking at people. Thinking so much that I could drive myself crazy. It's the kind of upset that confuses me and makes me want to curl up and sleep it off. I stay fixed like this until the hurt runs away. Sometimes it feels like it's never going to go.
It all comes down to the last person you think of at night. That's where your heart is.
Mrng guys. So, my Friday was pretty awesome. Although I missed school in the mrng...... Met up with my girls over at 313 at almost 10, then headed to Rebel. Got our stamps, then headed to Planet Paradise to celebrate Qingkang's birthday with Junbin & co. Back to Rebel at around 1.30, had a pretty awesome night there. It's a pity I've to leave early. Met Nick outside Rebel, then headed to Nana, left around 6, homed at almost 7. Super awesome nightz, been so long!

Pictures recently:
Larry & my ahlianz Ade ♥
SAF Seaview Resort + Blackjack
Bro ♥
My dearestssss ♥♥♥
"Sometimes, all a girl wants is for you to fight for her. Make her believe that you want this relationship more than she does."
Ciaos for now, talk again!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Lack of sleeeeeeepz.
In a fucking good mood today idk why.. Haha!
So, I was late for school this mrng, as expected. Reached school at around 10:30, lesson ended at around 11, and then my freaking 3 hours break. Met up with Ahliew & co for a little while, then headed to Cafe 1 to meet up with Nick for lunch, before heading to Kembangan to do settle his dad's stuffs. Headed back to school, went for my next lesson which was at 2pm. School ended early at 3:30pm, I was feeling so damn sleepy throughout the whole day today. Got home at around 6, prepared and then headed to town with bro to get my baseball jacket from H&M. Loveeee it.
Anywho, went to Alvin and Larry's chalet at SAF Seaview Resort yesterday. It's just so freaking awesome I swear. It's my first time there, and I really wna go again. Supposed to be there again today but I couldn't make it, so totally lack of sleep recently. Haven't slept for more than 24 hours already, and if I were to go again today, I won't be able to make it to school tmr, which I really don't wish to. So, school's at 9 tmr, and I'm gna turn in really soon. My eyelids weigh a ton, and my eyebags are so freaking obvious. Seriously.....................
Kkkkkkk I'm gonna go lie on my bed now.
Ciaos for now, talk again!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Had a dream, I was king. I woke up, still king.
Mrng guys. I just got up not long ago, gna go prepare for school soon. 10am - 5pm today, fucking rabak........................ Hate it when lesson end this late, super lazy to attend school. But again, I've got no choice due to my super poor attendance -.-

Anyways, school ended at 11 ytd, accompanied Yanhao to have his lunch, got home at about 1? Had my nap once I reached home, all the till like almost 7pm. Headed to town to meet bestbest and Amirul, shopped for bestbest clothes and belt over at H&M and Cineleisure. Went back to Bedok, had our dins/supper at 85 w Nick, got home at around 1am? Oh well..................
Ahliew during first day of school!
Ciaos for now, talk again!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Distance reveals who two person truly are. It shows just how hard you're willing to try. It brings out the worst of you. When you're at your best, your significant other can't see it. Long-distance is hard. being on your own lets you make decisions solely on what you want. True intentions are revealed. And if the love is lop-sided, it will show. Both need to be in it together. The love needs to be present and you can't be easy to quit. But what's meant to be will be. Distance is a test to see how far love can travel. But it's also a test to see how far in a relationship two hearts can travel. Some falter to the turbulence. Let's hope those of you who're facing this too, can handle it.
Hey, smile.
Do you know what it's like to love someone so much that just seeing them is enough to make your day? Everything could be going wrong, but just one look at them and you're smiling like things are okay.
Even if you're in a relationship, you'll meet people you find attractive. It's not wrong to think a girl is pretty or another guy is hot. You're bound to meet someone who is "cute". But at the same time, it's not like you would ever leave your boyfriend or girlfriend for them. It's all about knowing your line of boundary.
Monday, January 9, 2012
First day of school.
Hi guys, I just got home from school. Was feeling so unwell throughout the day, even till now. Fatigued, terrible much. So gna head to bed right after this entry.
Went for the first lesson, which was at 10am just now, and then caught a movie with Ahliew & co over at Century Square during my 3 hours break. Petaling Street Warriors, ain't that bad, pretty funny. So, rushed back to school after that and attended the rest of the lessons. Ended at 5.30pm, and thank god I'm finally home now.
Still thinking if I should attend school tmr, since it's only from 9 to 11am.......................... Oh well, whatever. Gonna go wash up and catch some rest now, ciaos!
Back to reality.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
I srsly hate how fast time is passing by. Another 17 days, that's it. How am I gna survive after this 17 days, without you? I hate to countdown to this day, can it just not come? Can we just skip it? It may not matter much to you, it's you having a new life in a new place. But how about me? I'm gonna be here, in the same old place. I srsly can't imagine how things are gonna be. Really.. I'd just be missing you so fucking much.
Friday, January 6, 2012
I hate how fast time is flying.
Evening guys. I just got up not long ago, well just gonna do a short update with pictures today. It's Friday already, time flies. Will be back in school in another 3 days' time, totally dreading Monday to come. Urgh.......

Been partying a little more recently, so I'm actually thinking of staying home today. Yes I know, it's a Friday and I'm so not supposed to stay home but I've got no choice my complexion's getting worse lately due to all the late nights and lack of sleep. Oh well, I really should just stick to stay-home Friday. Really.
Have been listening to Mistletoe by Justin Bieber a lot lately, and it kinda remind me of The Show by Lenka yehhhhhhh? Especially the introduction, so totally sound alike. Am I the only one who's feeling this way or.. you guys think so too? Hmmm..
Justin Bieber - Mistletoe
Lenka - The Show
K whatever.
Pictures taken recently:
This ahlianz! Ade ♥♥♥
Bro & myself got ourselves a pair each, love love it!
Alright guys, imma go catch more rest now!
Talk again, X.
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