Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!
Holla guys. Another entry after so long, haha. It's Valentine's Day today, so how did your day goes?

Anyways, went to Avalon last Friday. It was a pretty last minute decision, was at town with brother until Jb called me and asked if I wna go w them. So, headed home to change and then cabbed over to Serangoon to meet them. It was my first time to Avalon, and it'd probably be the last time too? Hahaha, didn't really enjoy ourselves there except for the part whereby Vandalism came out. Left pretty early too, headed for supper before heading home. Though, I enjoyed myself pretty much w the clique.
So, gave school a miss today. Overslept as usual. Srsly needa quit these bad habits of mine asap, totally hate it. I'm getting lazier too, days when I'm at home I'd just be lazing on the couch or lying on my bed the whole damn day. All day, all night. Seriously?!
Anyways, here's some pictures taken recently:
In Jb's car
Banheng, Andy, Danny, Qingkang, Junbin, Minren
Alright guys, guess I'll end it here.
Talk again, ciaos!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Holla guys, I'm back!
Okkkkkkk, I know I've been neglecting this space very much. Haven't been updating it for exactly 3 weeks already. Nope I wasn't busy with anything, it's just pure laziness. Ohwells......... Haven't been feeling well since 2 days back. Down with fever & cough, which leads to sore throat. God bless me.

How's your CNY guys? Mine was pretty simple. Visiting on the first and second day, did gamble but not a lot. Ate a lot, and gained weight too I guess. But haven't been eating much for the past few days, thanks to my fever and cough which caused my appetite to go down. Good thing though, it's time to lose some weight.
Ohya, I'm really proud of myself for attending school every single day this week. Not only that, I've attended every single lesson, practical and lecture. Ok, it's not because I want to, but I have to, before I'm being debarred from my upcoming examinations. Well, I'm still really really super proud of myself though. Hehehe.
Pictures taken for the past 3 weeks!
Alright guys, imma go have my brunch now.
Talk again, X.
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